Kardia Formation

Strengthening Spirit – Releasing Potential

Spiritual Exercises

What are the Spiritual Exercises?

A tool in which to grow in one’s relationship with God … Four seasons of prayer and spiritual companioning (spiritual direction) in which one learns how to live a discerning life in the company of the Spirit of God.

Who might pray the Exercises?

Anyone who seeks a loving and free relationship with God through Christ Jesus can pray the Exercises. However Ignatius said that the Exercises were not for everyone. He said that there are some people who for various reasons are not able to make the transition from intellectual knowledge of God to a more integrated knowledge of God involving both ‘head and heart’ (Kardia – seat of knowledge). Ignatius says: “For it is not in knowing much, but realizing and relishing things interiorly, that contents and satisfies the soul”[2],[1] which might be said more contemporarily like this:

Let your heart rise to meet your thoughts.

Savour harmony.[2]

It is hoped people want to make the transition from trying to live their faith through distorted images of God, to living faith with God as loving Creator and Companion. God as Creator and Companion is the image communicated through the book of life and through Christ Jesus in the gospels.

If you are interested in learning more about the Spiritual Exercises, contact Kardia

Kardia Full Spiritual Exercises Application Form


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