Kardia Formation

Strengthening Spirit – Releasing Potential

Kardia Companionship of Empowerment

We’re excited to introduce Kardia’s newest program, Kardia Companionship of Empowerment, designed for anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual wisdom, develop active listening skills, and explore life’s sacred Mystery.

The Kardia Companionship of Empowerment program offers three primary pathways for participants:

– To become more spiritually aware undertaking  spiritual formation, attending individual modules as desired.

– Be formed in spiritual direction and in giving the Spiritual Exercises – completing the Heart Wisdom components of the program.

– If you have already undertaken formation as a spiritual director, completing the Grace Upon Grace components of the program to become a giver of the Full Spiritual Exercises.

Kardia Companionship of Empowerment is rooted in the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, designed as an evolving Christian formation journey that integrates life’s wisdom through every experience.

The program features flexible, individual modules, available either as a complete series or as stand-alone workshops tailored to your interests. Each workshop runs from 10:00 am to 4:15 pm (AEST or AEDT depending on the time of year) and includes teaching, reflection, spiritual conversation, and experiential learning. All sessions are held online via Zoom.

You can download the full course outline for Kardia Companionship of Empowerment Outline and the 

Kardia Companionship of Empowerment Application form or contact Kardia for further information.

Choose from our selection of modules:

Introduction to Kardia Companionship of Empowerment: 7 – 10 March 2025


To be conscious of your participation in the Kingdom of God is to be conscious of your participation in God’s companionship of empowerment. Whether you’re in ministry, preparing for it, or seeking personal and spiritual growth, this workshop is designed for you. It offers an introduction to spiritual formation at Kardia, providing you with an opportunity to enhance your listening skills and deepen your spiritual awareness.

For those interested in becoming a spiritual director or guiding others through the Spiritual Exercises, this workshop introduces you to Kardia’s spiritual direction formation programs and can be applied as credit toward your chosen spiritual formation pathway.  Read More.


Reflecting on Love, Humility and Freedom: 20 – 23 June 2025

Reflecting on Love, Humility, and Freedom invites us to explore the transformative powers of these virtues and their profound impact on our lives and relationships.   Together, love, humility, and freedom become a path to spiritual maturity, empowering us to live fully, serve others wholeheartedly, and deepen our connection to the Divine. Read More.


The Dynamism of Spiritual Formation:  19 – 22 September 2025

Following the dynamic of spiritual formation of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, in this unit we explore the following topics:

* Preliminaries – what is spiritual direction in this contemporary world?

* Vision of Season One of the Spiritual Exercises

* Stages of Faith, Imagination and Desire in Season Two of the Spiritual Exercises.

* Compassion and Passion in Seasons Three and Four of the Spiritual Exercises.   Read More


Theology and Pedagogy of Kardia: 21 – 24 November 2025

Kardia is Greek for ‘heart’ or ‘mind,’ and encompasses both. Kardia is mentioned  over 200
times in the New Testament scripture.  It is a word which holds a breadth of personal meaning including: mind, soul, interiority or inner self, desire, intention. It refers to the place in which a person experiences him or herself as authentic and centred.  Topics introduced in this unit include:

* Graces of the Seasons of the Exercises

* Ignatian Theology

* Discernment of Spirits

* Key Meditations in the Second Season of the Exercises.  Read More.


The Graces of Encounter: 13 – 16 February 2026

The Graces of Encounter are the profound gifts and insights that arise when we truly meet others, ourselves, and the Divine with openness and presence. These graces are moments of deep recognition and transformation, where we feel seen, understood, and uplifted. In genuine encounter, we become aware of the sacredness within each person and situation, and this awareness expands our capacity for compassion, empathy, and love.  Read More


The Architecture for Listening: 17 – 20 April 2026

This immersive program centers on developing the art of listening as a spiritual practice, exploring how intentional listening opens pathways to deeper understanding, empathy, and transformation. Each component in Architecture for Listening invites participants to engage in a holistic journey, equipping them with skills, insights, and spiritual depth for meaningful listening and presence. Read More

Releasing Potential: Spiritual Direction as a Dynamic Instrument: 19 – 22 June 2026

This program examines the transformative potential of spiritual direction as a dynamic tool for personal and spiritual growth. Participants will explore key aspects that influence the depth, integrity, and efficacy of the spiritual direction relationship.Each topic provides tools and insights that support spiritual direction as a powerful instrument for releasing potential, nurturing authentic growth, and deepening connection with the divine and the self.  Read More.


 Becoming, Being, and Practicing as a Spiritual Director: 18 – 21 September 2026

In this program participants will begin to integrate all aspects of their learning from the Kardia Companionship of Empowerment Program. Beginning with an immersive exploration of the Contemplation to Attain Divine Love, we’ll delve into practices of self-supervision, engage with apophatic and kataphatic experiences, and uncover the spiritual director within.  Read More.


Kardia Direction: 20 – 23 November 2026

In this final stage of the Kardia Companionship of Empowerment program, participants are invited to integrate their understanding of the profound depth of God’s empowering companionship. Together, we will explore the boundaries and possibilities of spiritual direction, discerning when it is appropriate and when it may not be. This program brings together the essential teachings from the Heart Wisdom Spiritual Direction Formation program, guiding participants in understanding what it means to offer Heart Wisdom spiritual direction—a practice rooted in compassion, discernment, and the transformative presence of divine love.  Read More


Module Nine – Grace Upon Grace – Giving the Spiritual Exercises in our Expanding Consciousness of God (Date to be confirmed)

Are you seeking contemporary professional development in facilitating the Spiritual Exercises?

Would you value a collaborative conversation on the dynamics and content of the Exercises?  If so, this four-day intensive is for you.

This module is designed for those who guide the Spiritual Exercises and wish to deepen their understanding of the dynamics within the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises.   Each day will include presentations, reflections, and spiritual conversations on the following potential topics related to the Spiritual Exercises.  Read More


You can download the full course outline for Kardia Companionship of Empowerment Outline and the 

Kardia Companionship of Empowerment Application form or contact Kardia for further information.

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